Imagine you are at the edge of the sea on a day when it is difficult to say where the land ends and the sea begins and where the sea ends and the sky begins. Sea kayaking lets you explore these and your own boundaries and broadens your horizons. Sea kayaking is the new mountaineering.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Wind turbines on Windy Standard
The weather has not been particularly conducive to sea paddling this weekend so Tony and I decided to go for a little bike run in Galloway instead. We planned to cycle over Windy Standard, a 698m hill in the Carsphairn Forest.
The clear sky of the morning gave way to mist and sleety rain. As we climbed through the clouds we heard a "whoosh whoosh whoosh" long before we saw the wind farm. It was quite surreal cycling along at above 600m in height with 36 turbines all round us. Windy Standard currently generates up to 21.6 megawatts but another 30 turbines are planned. My legs could have done with some of that power.
We got up to 685m which was above the snowline. Bob the dog had never seen snow before.
We needed to stop for a breather, below the cloud line, after a white knuckle descent.
We did 31km and ascended a total of 940m in just under 4 hours. I was quite pleased with that!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Reclining nude figure of Uisken
The reclining nude (and cross legged) figure of Uisken can be seen at low tide among the skerries.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Exsisto paratus on the Ross of Mull.
It was a long paddle back from Malcolm's Point to Uisken. We stopped at this deserted and unnamed white shell sand beach.
There was not a hostelry in sight. We had to wash our freshly caught mackerel down with what ever refreshment we had to hand. Exsisto paratus.
We did not want the day to stop so we took a little detour past Uisken, through the skerries, to Ardalanish Bay.
We turned back from Ardalanish as the sun began to sink in the west.
The skerries of Uisken are such a maze, it is unlikely you would ever retrace your wake.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
"I'm at the Arches"
Carsaig #1 from Carsaig #2
Carsaig #1 from the sea.
"I'm at the Arches."
Even the great Carsaig Arches are dwarfed by the scale of Malcolm's Point. mind you if this is the size of his point, what size was Malcolm?
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Carsaig Arches, Mull
Not far from the great slab of Leac nam Leum, there are even greater wonders of Mull's volcanic past.
The Carsaig Arches are now high above the sea but during the last Ice Age, when water levels were higher, Atlantic swells surged through the arches.
Hexagonal basalt columns teeter on top of layers of lava.
In turn the lava layers are interspersed with layers of volcanic ash. The ash is very soft and can be picked with a fingernail. As you can see, wave action is undercutting the basalt by wearing away the ash. One day, probably quite soon in geological terms, the whole lot will come toppling down.
Might I be presumptuous and recommend that you visit the Carsaig Arches sooner rather than later?
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Look before you leap.
We landed on extremely slippy green boulders at the foot of Malcolm's Point.
Mike is dwarfed by the scale as he casts a line from Leac nan Leum.
We were unprepared for the huge scale of Leac nan Leum, a great basalt slab, which stretched for hundreds of metres. This was testament to the violent volcanic past of the island of Mull during which, huge volumes of lava spilled down from the Ben More volcano. Even today, after some 50 million years of erosion, the lava fields are up to 1.8km thick.
Leac nam Leum is Gaelic for Slab of the Leap....
At its eastern end, the slab is riven by a great chasm over which one of our ancestors is reputed to have leapt while being pursued by an army of dreadful giants or some such terror.
Tony, who did not have the same constraints on his time, made a more measured judgement and, after a long look, decided not to leap.
Picture problem in Blogger
Since November 30th there has been a problem with the way Blogger displays large pictures when you click on the small picture embedded in the Blog page. Blogger are aware of the issue and Blog authors can fix it by editing the html references to each picture on each page. If you have your own Blog, the explanation of how to do so is here.
I have now fixed my pages of 30/11 and 1/12 and I hope the Blogger team will have the issue resolved soon.
I have now fixed my pages of 30/11 and 1/12 and I hope the Blogger team will have the issue resolved soon.