The Kyles of Bute, which seperate the Cowal peninsula from the Island of Bute in the Firth of Clyde, are one of my favourite places to paddle. Although far from the open sea and in a sheltered location, strong tides swirl round the Kyles creating interest. For those kayakers who have yet to experience moving water, this is a great location. At the Burnt Isles the tides sweep through at up to 5 knots. The west going stream starts about -0220 HW Greenock and the east going stream about +0440 HW Greenock.

This is looking down the East Kyle with the Ayrshire coast in the distance. The Burnt Isles are in the narrows and just beyond you can see the Bute ferry on the right just about to depart for Colintraive on the Mainland.

This is looking up the West Kyles from Tignabruaich. Despite the proximity to the mountains, palm trees flourish due to the shelter from the wind and the mild sea water which is warmed from the Gulf Stream.