After an 11km crossing to Arran, we landed in Sannox Bay under leaden grey skies. It was clearly time to lift the spirits by opening the Wilcox Weather Window (TM). Not many know how this works but now you are about to find out how to do it (and where better than in the dark brooding glen of Sannox)!

David, Tony, Gavin, Alan, Phil and I gathered together before partaking of our luncheon. Out came our hip flasks, each freshly filled with nothing but Sannox water! Next we gave thanks for a safe, if somewhat rough, crossing before toasting the weather gods and enjoying a little swally of sublime Sannox water! Before our lips were even dry, the WWW opened and we were getting sunburned in March!

Here is the proof of the pudding as they say. We left Sannox Bay a better, sunnier place! Where next will the staff of seakayakphoto.com bring the sunshine of their passing? Onwards!