A 33km paddle from Portpatrick to the Mull of Logan and back in late February 2010.
Tidal streams in the North Channel, close inshore between Corsewall Point and the Mull of Galloway, run at 5knots springs of Black Head and to the south of it, north of Black head: 4knots off Craig Laggan and 2.5knots off Corsewall Point. Expect to find counter eddies in the bays especially in the last 3 hours of the stream.
NW going ebb -0250 HW Greenock -0130 HW Dover
SE going flood +0310 HW Greenock +0430 HW Dover
There are races SE of Crammag Head and off Mull of Logan, Money Head and Morroch Bay.
In mid channel the streams begin +0130 after the coastal streams.
The Old Man of the Mull of Logan keeps an eye on the Devil's Bridge.
Sunset behind the Portpatrick lighthouse.
Potted pheasant at Portpatrick
Going with the flow on the Rhins of Galloway
A Galloway snow squall warning
Where will we take luncheon today?
Any port in a storm #2
Slack water in the North Channel.
The Old Man of the Mull of Logan.
We four represented the sum of human activity in these parts.
What happens after you test a P&H Cetus LV?
Have you ever heard of Knockienausk Head?
The bright lights of Portpatrick
Photo album map