Today was my father, Rae's funeral. I don't usually post very personal things and I wasn't going to mention this significant event in my life. However, it was my Dad who introduced me to the sea when I was four and who over the years guided me to safely navigate her waters, so it seems only appropriate to acknowledge his influence on this important part of my life. Of course his influence extended to all parts of my life, I am what I am because my father and my mother.
As my Dad's life slipped away, after a long and distressing illness, I was fortunate to be able to spend the last few days with him. We reminisced about past voyages together and I showed him photos of my recent voyages. We talked about his impending final voyage. He told me he was not afraid of dying and that he had no regrets. I was proud to be his son and now I miss him terribly.
Be a good parent and share your voyages with your children.