Imagine you are at the edge of the sea on a day when it is difficult to say where the land ends and the sea begins and where the sea ends and the sky begins. Sea kayaking lets you explore these and your own boundaries and broadens your horizons. Sea kayaking is the new mountaineering.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Port Logan sunset
By now we had left Lagantalluch Head far behind and the adverse effects of the flood tide were diminishing. We now paddled deeper into the great bay south of the Mull of Logan...
...and by the time we rounded Cairnywellan Head, the tide was almost imperceptible.
We entered Port Logan Bay as the sun was setting...
...and at last our keels kissed the sand of Port Logan harbour. We stretched our stiff legs in the chill air of the approaching night. We had only covered 21 km but for much of that distance we had encountered adverse eddies or tides. We were now quite tired and thirsty!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Silurian simian sentinel of Breddoch Bay
After Crammag Head, the next headland was Laggantalluch Head where we passed the sea stack of Scutching Stock...
...the Cave of the Saddle...
...Ape Rock, which stands like a simian sentinel above Breddock Bay...
...and the incredibly folded and shattered strata of Muddioch Rock.
From the rocks of South Lennans, we could see the distant Mull of Logan. David was getting very tired and was very pleasantly surprised that our destination was in Logan Bay on this side of the Mull.
The delicate Lennans Waterfall poured straight over more stratified rocks, which had been folded to almost ninety degrees from their original horizontal alignment. At the foot of the waterfall there is yet another cave.
Finally, we found there had been a recent landslide at Green Saddle. There was a lovely little flat area of grass, ideal for camping, below where tons and tons of broken rock now lie. There might be a lesson there...
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Crammag Head
After a wet launch at Rainbow Rock, we regrouped on the water while some pumped out their cockpits, which had filled with dumping waves.
The old WW2 coastguard lookout bunker announced our arrival at Crammag Head. The rocks here are hard pink granite and have been more resistant to erosion than the softer sedimentary rocks on either side. It is a popular area for sea anglers and rock climbers.
We now found ourselves under the Crammag Head Lighthouse. This was originally built by David A and Charles Stevenson in 1913. They built a simple tower without a lantern house on top. The current light is a replacement with a proper lantern and actually looks better than the utilitarian Stevenson design. It must have been installed after February 2008 when we last passed this way and saw the old light. The light flashes white every 10 seconds.
I later discovered that the new Crammag Head light was established just about the time of our trip in mid December 2009.
We rounded Crammag Head at 13:46, nearly an hour after the tide had turned against us. Close in to the rocks, we were not too bothered by the adverse flow. At peak tidal flow on the south going flood, a considerable race develops here, especially if it meets a prevailing SW wind.
As the winter sun slowly dipped to the SW, we started the final leg of our journey to Port Logan.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Transition from the terrestrial to the maritime.
Monday, December 21, 2009
The pot at the end of Rainbow Rock.
The beach at Rainbow Rock is a lively place...
...the stone cobbles have been worn smooth by constant wave action.
Even the bedrock has had hollows worn away by cobbles. We looked in several of these "pots" but there was no gold at the end of this rainbow...
...just the lovely gold lichens on its rocks.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Picnic at Rainbow Rock!
Crossing Carrickahawkie Bay at 1225 we found an eddy to be running against us though inshore slack water was not due to 1253. In the last half of the ebb you will meet many counter eddies on this trip. In the distance we could see Crammag Head and ideally it would have been nice to get round before stopping for lunch. However, the stop after the Head at Portencorkie Bay is rather unpleasant. It attracts piles of rotting seaweed and garbage. It is not the sort of place for a luncheon.
Tony and I had a plan! Just before Slew-whan Point there is an intriguing geological feature which we call Rainbow Rock.
Its real name is Broad Stone of Portdown and it has a steep cobble beach at its foot.
Landing here can be tricky but Tony and Jim provided sterling assistance in getting me out of my kayak...
...before helping the others... by one.
Soon we were all safely ashore, with the kayaks above the surf.
We were now ready for our luncheon and what a spot!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Taking in a Kindram or two on the Rhinns of Galloway
Long after we left the Mull of Galloway, we were still surrounded by its "nine tides", which are woven by an old witch. As we were paddling in the last 3 hours of the ebb, we met a strong counter eddy running east from Port Kemin.
We now crossed Carrickamickie Bay and...
...entered the West Bay of Slauchmorrie.
Now we found ourselves under...
...the great rock walls...
...of the Nick of Kindram.
Talking of Kindrams, David looked like he had enjoyed one or two Kindrams the night before!