The ebb tide carried us out of Loch Creran and into the Lynn of Lorn.
It was half an hour past sunset and the light was fading fast as the bubbling tide carried us by the pole marking Dearg Sgeir.
The air was so clear that we could see all the way down the Firth of Lorn past the distant mountains of Mull...
...but we now turned our bows to the NE. Only a few scattered lights on Lismore and the snowy summits of Morvern resisted the relentless approach of the darkness of the night.
The snowy summit of Ben Cruachan glowed softly in the night, beyond the wooded slopes of Clach Tholl, a former sea stack.
Ahead, the lights at the pier head at Port Appin told us that we would soon have finished another superb paddle.
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