
Sunday, December 02, 2012

The contents of a sea kayaker's grab bag.

The winter storms on the west coast of Little  Cumbrae  have not been kind to the old lighthouse slipway and railway. The slipway is now as smooth as the outline of Bute on the horizon.

David made his way carefully up to our chosen luncheon spot, clutching his emergency grab bag. Sea kayakers carry a wide variety of useful things in their BA pockets and some like David feel the need for the extra space, which a grab bag provides.

 Tony said, "Go on David, show us what's in your grab bag then."

 "Oh well" he replied "if I must!" David had clearly chosen to bring some extra supplies in case of emergency... had I.

The lighthouse isn't lit, it's an emergency. The sun is over the yardarm, so cheers!

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