
Saturday, December 01, 2012

Aw pish, another landing fee!

A new sign greeted our arrival on the west of the Little Cumbrae. It warranted closer inspection.

It turns out that access to the island is now at the discretion of the PYPT, a charity led by guru Swamey Baba Ramdev who is very popular in India (especially with the tax authorities). Unlike the sign on the east of the island, on this side they are only asking for a donation of £5, presumably due to the lack of facilities. I hope everyone leaves a donation...  maybe the good guru could then afford to buy a copy of the Scottish Land Reform Act (2003).


  1. Pretty common in the States to just be run off private beaches and shores, even though the rules allow access below the high tide line on coastal shores.

  2. You couldn't make this stuff up.

  3. Maybe you guys should have left a deposit, Jim.

  4. This should be reported to the local access forum as it is clearly illegal.

  5. Thank you all for your comments. I reported the signs to the North Ayrshire access officer Louise Kirk. She has acknowledged my email but so far has been unable to make contact with the PTYT "charity". The "charity" status in Scotland is unlikely to continue, as they have not submitted annual report/accounts.
