
Saturday, November 07, 2015

Prospects at the three priapic pillars of Knockbrex.

 From Ardwall Isle we left the confines of...

 ...Fleet Bay and started to make our way out...

 ...towards the more open waters of the Solway Firth until we were stopped in our tracks by...

 ...the priapic pillars of Knockbrex. There are three pillars and they...

 ...lead into the recesses of...

...Knockbrex Harbour.

Whatever their provenance, the priapic pillars provide plenty of perpendicular photographic prospects whatever the weather.

These photos were taken exactly 2 years before our visit and show more typical October weather.

Whatever, if you come to this part of the Solway do remember to visit the three priapic pillars of Knockbrex.

Read more about these erections here on Ian's blog.


  1. Try saying that when you have had a few sports recovery drinks :) x

    1. indee so Allison, it would not do to have poor pronunciation due to being pished at the priapic pillars! :o)

  2. Passing in proximity to the Priapic Pillars on our peripatetic paddle proved a pleasant pursuit Douglas.....


    1. Very good Ian as since alliteration is a purely phonetic phenomenon, passing the phallic pillars would not have quite the same ring to it. :o)

  3. And I thought I knew Scotland. Never heard of them and never, to my memory, watched anything about them. Impressive structures and photos.

    1. Hi Bob and thank you, never mind inland, there is so much interesting stuff round the coast. :o)
