
Sunday, July 05, 2015

Loo with a view at the Buttock of Bute.

 We set off from Rhubodach in a NW'ly direction passing to the south...

 ...of the Burnt Islands. The last time we were here we explored the vitrified fort on Eilean Buidhe but

 ...this time we were headed for a bay just to the east of Buttock Point.

At the foot of a forest and beside a burn there are two new wooden buildings. They are part of the Argyll Sea Kayak Trail.  The building on the left is a composting toilet and the building on the right is... a simple shelter and fire pit. Bute Forest supply timber for burning so that you do not need to cut down any SSSI trees. There is not much camping here but there are plenty places further east.

The view from the loo looks north, straight up beautiful Loch Riddon. We were not going to explore this beautiful loch on this occasion...

...instead we paddled NW towards the lighthouse at Caladh Harbour before...

 ...turning left at Buttock Point....


  1. Composting toilets are an Interesting concept, having visited some in Canada,iceland Norway, Scotland and India a wide rang of different and varied quality standards 😝😱

    1. Hi Allison, this one was excellent though it has not yet seen a great deal of use. I think it is really time that some of the commercial companies offering "Wilderness" sea kayaking camping trips either carried their clients poo out or used sites with composting toilets. The last time I was at Port nam Murrach in the Sound of Arisaig, we arrived just as a party of about 12 with two guides were leaving. I had intended going for a swim but there were several Clyde bananas floating in the beautiful bay. Actually Clyde banana is now a misnomer. On a recent trip down the Clyde from Glasgow Green to Port Glasgow we saw no litter and no bananas. I think its about time the humble Clyde Banana was renamed the Arisaig Banana. :o)

  2. Bag it and pack it out is I agree the best way however like SOME dog owners they will hang it from a tree. Reading Soggy Sarah its a big issue!. its a sad state that folk looking for peace and tranquility, that wilderness experience or to be at one with nature think it's acceptable to dump their Poo where ever they like !

    1. Yes I saw Sarah's post, I like swimming in the sea and it is such a pity that so many people poo on such lovely beaches.
