
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Boathouse, Gigha

 We left Cara for the last time as...

 ...raindrops were pattering into the sea but...

 gradually the clouds lifted until by the time...

... we arrived at Gigha the sun had come out.

 We made for The Boathouse where we enjoyed a hot shower before proceeding to our...

 ...pre-booked table where, among other delights,  we enjoyed scallops and sticky pork...

 ...langoustine tails in garlic butter...

...another couple of lobsters with all the trimmings...

 ...white chocolate dessert...

...and real hot chocolate,  all washed down with draught Peroni.Yum yum. The Boathouse is one of the best sea kayaking pubs/restaurants on the west coast.

The view from the open air terrace, where we ate, was simply stunning. I suggest you visit soon.


  1. It's a hard job being an ad-hoc kayaking reporter, but someone has to do it!

    1. John thank you for appreciating the lengths we go to in our public service work. While others are having fun, circumnavigating great continents or tackling huge open crossings, we are grafting away selflessly.

  2. I have long dreamed about your photos, and with my kayak club, we materialize this dream with 6 days of kayaking around Glennuig. Thank you for your reports. What fun to follow you in your trips.

    1. Thank you Jean-Luc, I am glad you enjoyed Glenuig. I hope you are able to visit Gigha one day. :o)

  3. I'm confused... is this a kayaking blog about gastronomy or a gastronomy blog about kayaking?

    1. Mon Dieu Arno, Kayaking? That's a pretty strong word to use. I think sea kayaking lite is about as far as I would be be prepared to go in describing our watery activities. You won't find great circumnavigations or crossings (record breaking or otherwise) here.

