
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Seakayaking desktop wallpaper calendar 2013.

I wish a very Happy New Year to all visitors to As way of a celebration of the last year and in anticipation of sea kayaking adventures yet to come, here is the 9th annual sea kayaking desktop wallpaper calendar from

As in past calendars, all the photos were taken during the previous year (2012). Despite having been retired for a year now, I have not been able to explore wide new horizons as I had once dreamed. Increasing disability has somewhat restricted  the areas in which I have managed to paddle. This year all the photos are from my local waters of the Firth of Clyde and The Solway Firth. Far from feeling sorry about this, I have felt blessed to have the freedom to enjoy exploring my own doorstep. I am so grateful for the assistance of my friends in getting me to and from the water. My daughter Jennifer chose the photos for each month of the calendar.

2013 cover shot. This is paddle sailing at its best: sun, wind, tide and big skies, on a trip round the Little Cumbrae in the Firth of Clyde.

January.  A cold east wind sped us from Maidens to Seafield with the snowy mountains of Arran on the far side of the Firth of Clyde.

February. Some gentle swell made for interesting exploration of the rock channels of Bennane Head on Ayrshire's Atlantic Coas, Firth of Clyde.

March. Looking back to Glen Sannox after a misty crossing of the Sound of Bute, Firth of Clyde.

April. Sunset in the Kilbrannan Sound, Firth of Clyde. It was dark when we reached our camp site but the experience of night slowly gathering round you on a calm night is unmissable.

May. Clear waters in Catacol Bay, Firth of Clyde make a great place to stop for a second breakfast.

June. Rounding Bennan Head on Arran, one of the impressive headlands in the Firth of Clyde.

July. Safe haven on a granite boulder reef at Ailsa Craig, Firth of Clyde.

August. Summer rain, Fleet Bay, Solway Firth.

September. Waiting for the tide, Isles of Fleet, Solway Firth.

October. Enjoying the freedom of the seas in Wigtown Bay, Solway Firth.

November. Taking a break in Bracken Bay, Firth of Clyde.

December. Seakayak sailing to Dunure with Ailsa Craig on the horizon, Firth of Clyde.

I hope you find something to inspire you to paddle in your local waters. Finally....


  1. Hi Douglas and Happy New Year!

    Great images as usual - my personal favourites are Catacol Bay water and the spit at Ailsa Criag, oh, and Glen Sannox and Kilbrannan Sound. Damn, they're all great! :o)

    Kind regards

    1. Thank you Ian, we must get out again soon are you working away just now? :o)

  2. Hi Douglas I always look forward to your calendar. My favourites are the two Ailsa Craig photos and waiting for the tide. I hpe you have more great adventures in 2013, thanks for such a great blog.

    Rob :-)

    1. Thanks for taking the time to post Rob :o)

  3. Beautiful, inspirational pictures as always Douglas. Happy New Year and best wishes for 2013.

    1. Thank you Chris, we are such near neighbours I hope we meet on the water soon. The sails should give us away! :o)

  4. Thank you, thank you very much! Just looking to the photos is like a New Year gift! Wonderful images of beautiful places! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much Leonardo. I hope 2013 will bring us all wonderful new sea kayaking adventures. :o)

  5. Hi Douglas, I really like the August rain photo, I can hear the rain hissing into the sea! Thanks for the calendar and have a great 2013. I hope your knees get better soon. James

    1. Thanks James, Glad you also like rain! I am due to see the orthopaedic surgeon again sometime soon!

  6. All the shots are good, but I particularly like your references (here and elsewhere) to second breakfast and second luncheon. Long may you continue to entertain me.

  7. Some lovely photographs Douglas. On the odd occasions, over the years, I've backpacked abroad I always come back with a greater appreciation of how much we have on our own doorstep.

    1. Thanks Bob, we are so lucky in Scotland, adventure begins at home!

