
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Too much swally at Bracken Bay.

 The Firth of Clyde was looking lovely... we set off from Seafield for Maidens, somewhat later than usual.

Once again we were bound for the Heads of Ayr. Both my mobility problem and illness in the family have restricted where I paddle but given this wonderful local coastline I am not looking for any sympathy.

 A fair easterly breeze carried us quickly across Ayr Bay towards...

...the dark volcanic rocks of this great headland.

 Soon we lost the low winter sun and paddled in the chilly shade of the cliffs until...

 ...we approached a natural breach in their ramparts at Bracken Bay.

High above the bay, the outline of a semi recumbent Tam o'Shanter seemed to be still sleeping. Perhaps he had had too much swally the night before.

David wanted to stop so we pulled into Bracken Bay.  It had been difficult getting him going this morning... (he muttered something about "working late")...anyway... was time first luncheon and a large cup of black coffee for David.

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