
Sunday, January 01, 2012

Seakayaking desktop wallpaper calendar 2012.

I wish a Happy New Year to all visitors to As way of a celebration of the last year and in anticipation of sea kayaking adventures yet to come, here is the 8
th annual sea kayaking desktop wallpaper calendar from The above link will lead to high resolution photos in four different desktop sizes.

As usual, all the photos were taken in 2011, even though my sea kayaking activities have been restricted by increasing disability this year.

January, Carrick coast, Firth of Clyde.

The other months will follow soon!


  1. A happy new year to you too Douglas, and so sorry about the knees :-(

    Its no consolation, I know ... but fortunately you only need arms for the kayak and eyes for the camera.

    There are enough of us around to carry you into the kayak so you can keep taking the photos.

    Looking forward to many more adventures and blog posts in 2012 :-D

  2. Happy New Paddle Year! Thank you very much sharing your photos and excursions in your kayak.
    Best regards, Leif G M

  3. Wishing you well in 2012, I do hope that you find ways to work around the knee problems (in fact, I know you will).

    Mark R

  4. Happy new year to you Douglas and thanks for inspiring a new generation of paddling Kayakists who capture their surroundings on film and on digital memory cards and in our heads.
    Aw ra best, aw ra time wi the knees..


  5. Thanks everyone, I have been walking every day since I retired at the end of November and have been doing physiotherapy exercises and swimming 4 days a week. I am hoping to avoid surgery to my left knee similar to that which was necessary for my right knee.

    I think it is working. My left knee hasn't dislocated for over 2 weeks now.

