
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Our approach to Carnage Corner.

As we approached the rocky coastline at the north end of Culzean Bay...

...Jim was really powering the Taran, catching every wave in order to nose ahead of the kayak sailors.

However, as we passed the point, the wind increased and Jim inevitably fell behind the kayak sailors.

One of the dangers in kayak sailing is that a mixed group can become very spread out. David, Phil and Tony were well ahead  so...

...I sprinted on and...

 ...told the others to blast ahead, while I stayed with Jim. Despite being without a spraydeck...

...David seemed quite unperturbed as we approached Carnage Corner.

  A wide angle lens always makes the water look flatter than it really is...

...but this is a notorious piece of coast for kayak carnage. I have written about a previous epic in these very waters: "Attrition on the Clyde" in which a party of 8 was reduced to 3.

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