
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Moonrise over the Heads of Ayr.

 As the sun began to set, an offshore breeze picked up and...

...pushed us on towards the Heads of Ayr.

We revelled in the magic of the moment... the sundowner gathered strength,...

 ...the smells of the land filled our nostrils and...

...the Moon rose over the Heads of Ayr.


  1. Douglas, as a local of the Central Coast myself, I apologise for the blatant spam from this retailer. As he knows his kayaks back to front I'm sure he knows where to stick them. As one of his potential customers, he just lost any chance of my business.

  2. What a wonderful landscape you can paddle in. Totally amazing pictures you take.

  3. Thank you John! I wasn't quite quick enough with the delete button today, It was my second last day at work, It was graduation day for last session's students so it was a great day to end on.

    Thank you Jill, I know you too are surrounded by beautiful scenery, so your comment is really appreciated. This bit of coast is just 35 minutes drive from my house, Phil is even luckier, he just trollies his kayak for a whole hundred meters to the beach!

