
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The lack of a saw was like a millstone round our necks.

After leaving Sannox we set off along the wild north coast of Arran. There are no roads and only a rough footpath gives land access here.
We passed below the Fallen Rocks, which is a site of a relatively recent landslide of Upper Old Red Sandstone conglomerate blocks. 

We arrived at the appropriately named Millstone Point. There was a quarry for millstones above the beach.

The sun had set by the time we set up camp.

We got the evening meal of black Latvian beans and rice, slowly cooked in Guinness, ready.

Then David scoured the beaches for logs...

...and we got the fire going.

Having no saw to cut the wood, we had to slide it gradually into the fire. Needless to say we stayed up very late, until all the wood but not quite all the Guinness was consumed.

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