
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Large white navigational aids on Islay

I am sorry has been unavailable since last Saturday. Apparently there were many other blogs affected as a result of spammers stealing content from genuine blogs (splogs) to cloak themselves then the Blogger spam detection software deleted the lot, spammers and genuine bloggers together. Thank you to Blogger staff, Brett, Gatzby and nitecruzr for sorting the problem :o).

I was extremely touched by the many emails I received expressing concern in case the disappearance of the blog meant I was unwell. Thank you all and I am delighted to say that I am very well indeed and certainly hadn't lost my way.

That brings me to today's photo. It was taken on Islay, which is one of my favourite places in Scotland (the World!).  The coastline of Islay is unique. At regular intervals there are large white navigational aids round the coast. It would be very difficult to loose your way on Islay!


  1. Welcome back!

    I'll update last Sunday's Islay blogging roundup with the correct link when I get a minute.

    Didn't have your email, otherwise I would have asked as well.

    Great relief to see everything is back again just fine. And I'll see if anyone knows a nasty spell for those spammers (and only them!)

  2. Thank you Armin, it's great to be back!


  3. Good to have to back! Too much use of some of Islay's navigational aids can result in odd arrivals...# Loch Laphroaig

  4. Brilliant to the see the site up and running again! Was starting to go cold turkey without my source of sea kayaking related, photographical inspiration :-)

  5. Thank you Solent :o)

    Rick there is nothing odd about your photo at all. Is that not the Islay arrival hall?


  6. So pleased you are back!

    Now I can get my regular fix once again!...

    Best wishes

    David Baker

  7. Welcome back Douglas!

    I trust you utilised a large measure of one of Islay's "steadying aids" when the blog reappeared.....

  8. David and Ian, thank you! I was very very pleased to get it back and embarcadero how easy and quick it is to back a blog up onto your hard disk.

    Ian the "Islay golden steadying liquid" helped to retain composure on discovering the loss!

