
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Clearing fog, Ganavan Bay to Kerrera

A 29km day trip from Ganavan Bay round Kerrera, Firth of Lorn, January 2010.

Fog lifting in the Sound of Kerrera.

Ganavan, a launch site for sea kayaks and seaplanes

The fog on the Lorn...

Better Days: the wreck of the Hyacinth

Black and white in the Sound of Kerrera

Better Days in The Little Horseshoe Bay

Fleeting wraiths of fog in the Sound of Kerrera

Gylen castle and the Brooch of Lorn

Blowing the cobwebs away in the Firth of Lorn.

The strange case of the missing calves at sunset.

The liquid canvas of the sea.

Embers of a Kerrera day

Photo album map.


  1. Hiya, I've been reading every single post since I've found your blog. I don't kayak (yet) as I lack funds and the location (in the middle of the Midlands) doesn't help either. I'm living in the middle of a midsized town in this little room in a house with loads of people. Your posts are my little window (little but with fantastic views) into the world I want to be in! :-) Very nice, every morning, coffee, news and Standard ritual. LOVE IT.

  2. Thank you so much Onno. We consider ourselves to be very lucky.

