
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Picnic at Rainbow Rock!

Crossing Carrickahawkie Bay at 1225 we found an eddy to be running against us though inshore slack water was not due to 1253. In the last half of the ebb you will meet many counter eddies on this trip. In the distance we could see Crammag Head and ideally it would have been nice to get round before stopping for lunch. However, the stop after the Head at Portencorkie Bay is rather unpleasant. It attracts piles of rotting seaweed and garbage. It is not the sort of place for a luncheon.

Tony and I had a plan! Just before Slew-whan Point there is an intriguing geological feature which we call Rainbow Rock.

Its real name is Broad Stone of Portdown and it has a steep cobble beach at its foot.

Landing here can be tricky but Tony and Jim provided sterling assistance in getting me out of my kayak...

...before helping the others... by one.

Soon we were all safely ashore, with the kayaks above the surf.

We were now ready for our luncheon and what a spot!


  1. That's a great example of what in geology is called an anticline. A lot of force at play here to bend the beds so.

    Tony :-)

  2. Tony wait till you see some of the later anticline shots, rock layers folded right back on themselves!


  3. Hello Douglas I have been following your inspiring sea kayaking adventures for a while now, thank you. I hope to move to Scotland next year and have more time to spend in Scottish waters (only a week and bank holiday weekends at the moment).

    I would love to be able to do some of the trips that you have in your blog with my brother in law who moved to Scotland last year. I am currently working towards my 4* (leader?) award. Would that be enough or should I do the 5* as well? Thanks again. John.

  4. Thank you John :o)

    I really cannot comment about how many stars you would need, as I don't have any myself! I am largely self taught and just started building up my experience gradually. We only go out with "consenting adults" so stars are less relevant than experience.

