
Friday, July 17, 2009

Paddle Orkney 09

Photo by Johnny, OSKA

Mary Saunders, from those friendly folk at the Orkney Sea Kayaking Association, has just been in touch with details about their Paddle Orkney 09 weekend on 14th to 16th August.

I would love to go to Orkney but with my bust knee, it will need to be next year. If you fancy going, get in touch with Mary quickly as numbers are limited to 30. You can download an application form here.

I hope it is a great event.


  1. What's the prognosis on the knee? Hopefully it won't have you sidelined for too long!

  2. I love kayaking in La Jolla north of San Diego. You can kayak through the caves. This area is within a marine refuge area and you will be up close and personal with lots of marine life.

  3. I hope your knee wont stop you for paddling to long.

  4. Peter and kayakr I am not sure how long it's going to take. It's getting very frustrating, I had originally planned to be out on Islay and Colonsay this week.

    Melissa that sounds nice.

  5. I love to swim in such a beautiful sea with so good climate.


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