
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Days like these...

This yacht was visiting the Solway from the Isle of Man. Early the following morning, she hoisted her jib, then her main and lifted her anchor all in one smooth motion then slipped away on a broad reach to the Isle of Man.

It is always a pleasure to see a ship shape, well handled yacht when nowadays the majority stay in the marina or only venture out with the motor.

I drifted for some time on the ebb tide...

...but all too soon I had to break the glassy calm and my paddles drove me against the gathering current between Ardwall Island and the mainland.

As I entered Fleet Bay, the last of the sun slid towards the dark granite slopes of the Galloway Hills.

The sea turned to gold and ebony as the last gasp of the day slipped away with the ebb tide. Even the shrill pipping of the oyster catchers fell silent. I paddled home in the silence and the night gathered round me.

What would tomorrow bring?

31/05/2009 pm


  1. As always; fantastic photos Douglas. Unfortunately I've been having a few enforced "dry months" myself but hope to be out paddling again very soon. Thankyou for your continuing inspiration! :o)

  2. Amazing photos. Now on my list of "paddles I want to do before I die". Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thank you Peter.
    Andy I am really sorry to hear of your injuries. I had to give up climbing because of a recurrently dislocating knee. It was even popping out on easy climbs like Integrity on Skye and Sou'wester Slabs on Arran. That got me into sea kayaking. Unfortunately I dislocated it really badly this weekend on Coll and I am now immobilised. To make matters worse, my wife is due to have a hip replacement next week and I was supposed to be her Gopher!

    Sean, I count myself lucky to have so many great paddles such a short distance from home.

