
Saturday, June 06, 2009

The caves and stacks of Meggerland Point

I was pretty hot and bothered after climbing all over Castle Haven so I went for a refreshing swim in a tiny cove below Meggerland Point. I then continued east below the heughs (Galloway for cliffs). Rounding a corner I nearly missed a cave in the shadows cast by the setting sun.

I am glad I didn't because it is one of the best caves in these parts. There was some deep gurgling going on in the back of the cave...

...which was punctuated by a steady drip from somewhere in the darkness above me.

Continuing eastwards I threaded my way behind Meikle Pinnacle, an isolated stack.

I then came across Dove cave which can only be entered at HW springs. I just love the old man, a mimetolith which stands watch over the entrance.

The ebb was now well established and I was 8km from home so...

...I retraced my route in the shade of Meikle Pinnacle before emerging into the light of the setting sun.

31/09/2009 pm

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