
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Kayak Caledonia progress report #4, round the Cape!

Day 8, 29th May 49km

Tony: "Awesome day, sun, swell, dolphins, whales! Round Point Stoer passed Handa to Oldshore More."

Day 9, 30th May 37km

Tony 21:30: "Round the Cape (Wrath). It was huge. There was no possibility of landing at Sandwood Bay. The swell was 4-5m and the impact zone was like a cauldron. We decided to give the Cape a wide berth of about a mile. Once we turned eastwards the following swells were buttock clenching which was really just as well as we had not been able to stop for a break. A wild ride but now safe in Balnakeil Bay. "

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