
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Ayrshire's gem of a coastline.

We cut across the wide expanse of Culzean Bay. It is backed by the sands of Croy. Behind the shore there is a cliff line with a raised beach behind. This is now rich agricultural land and when the fields are ploughed, many gem hunters follow the plough seeking out agates. These semi precious stones can also be found on the current beach but there most are broken and cracked by wave action.

We landed at the remote north end of Culzean Bay.

What a magnificent spot to enjoy lunch!

This can be an awkward spot to land in surf, with lots of boulders to catch the unwary!

In the clear winter air, it seemed we could nearly reach out and touch the rocky ridges of Arran's snow covered mountains.



  1. Nice to see such fantastic shots of the coastline near my home of Ayr/Prestwick. One of these days I'll hopefully do the same. Richard

  2. Richard, you must do so, it is literally just round the corner and yet it is so wild and different.

    Douglas :o)
