
Sunday, September 07, 2008

Fair Guirasdeal

From most angles it looks like Guirasdeal is impossible to land on but there is one chink in its armour through which we made our way to this stony beach below its rocky tower.

There are no sheep on Guirasdeal so we found this meadow of delightful wildflowers.

From the top, looking SE we caught sight of the Grey dogs tide race between Lunga and Scarba.

Turning to the SW we saw distant Jura beyond Scarba. The Great Race of the Corryvreckan lies between.

To the north we had a wonderful panorama of the Slate Islands.

We set off for the Grey Dogs as dark clouds closed in cutting off the only blink of sun we were to see that day.



  1. hello guys

    i came across your web page brilliant photo collection anyway my names derek i come from ayrshire and the reason ive contacted you is im a shellfish picker (winkles) and i can see you have traveled far and wide and was wondering if u came across many winkles any good areas u may have seen them sorry i know this is bit random but just thought i would ask see there,s not many left on this coast as they have been over picked and was looking for new areas hope u can help

    best regards derek

  2. Hello Derek, it is good to hear from you.

    We now see winkle pickers at just about every accessible piece of coast from the Solway right out to the Outer Hebrides. Winkle picking is obviously very popular now. Recently on the south east coast of the Mull of Kintyre we saw whole teams of winkle pickers on beaches than can only be reached by dangerous scrambling down cliffs. Because of reefs you could't land a boat and even we did not land on those beaches!

    I used to gather and eat a variety of shell fish on our trips but have now stopped doing so. I got red algae toxin poisoning from eating mussels in May this year. I was really ill for nearly three weeks. Not nice!

