
Saturday, July 05, 2008

Sea Kayaking the NE coast of Hirta in St Kilda.

Looking back to the wreck of the Spinningdale and the shelter of Village Bay from the Point of Coll.

As we approached Rubha an Uisge, the most easterly point of Hirta, Stac Lee, Stac an Armin and Boreray came into sight.

Tony in the darkness of Geo nan Sgarbh.

Jennifer in the gap behind Sgeir nan Sgarbh.

Alan under the dark cliffs of Stac a' Langa. Mina Stac is the point on the extreme right. This photo was taken with a 17mm lens to try and get as much of the cliff in as possible. At up to 426m, or 1400 feet, these cliffs are the highest in the British Isles.

Tony and Fiona F coming through the gap behind Mina Stac. The wind gusted strongly through the gaps and the swells were amplified.

Alan with Mina Stac behind and Stac an Armin, Stac Lee and Boreray in the distance.

Our route round Hirta.


  1. my god, someone in short sleeves already. as always, alison asks, what's the temperature?
    (meanwhile-lilacs are on the out, caplin are on in, surely temps can only rise...)

  2. Hello Alison, that far out in the Atlantic, at the beginning of June the water temp was a bracing 9 degrees C. Only Murty and I were in short sleeved "T shirts" (most were in dry suits) but we were wearing what you know as "fuzzy neoprene" which is equivalent to a 3mm wetsuit.

