
Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Merrick and the Galloway hills.

A mountain bike is a great way to get round the Galloway Hills in SW Scotland. The Merrick is the highest hill on the Scottish mainland south of Ben Lomond. Its summit is still iced in the last of the winter snows.

Starting from the car park at the Bruce's stone above Loch Trool, we covered 28km and 900 metres of ascent and decent.



  1. Hello,

    I like very much this country but I have never been luck to visite scotland. I would love see the famous loch ness and skye island !!

    I travel with "trivago" in this moment but I hope one day !
    if you want, goto visite this web site, Your registration is free and I shall be very happy to wish a welcome to you .

    TRIVAGO au bout de nos rĂªves et de nos passions

  2. Hi Douglas, looks like you had a good day, was that you peddling through snow?

  3. Hello Gary, it was actually sea shells!!! See this post

  4. Nice one. We hope to visit Glentress this summer.
    BTW you seem to be a prime candidtae for a Forerunner and the SportTracks software.

    You can stay up all night analysing the data.

  5. Murray, it's great to hear from you.

    I hope you have a great visit south to the 7 Stanes. If you can, try and visit the western ones as well. I particularly like Dalbeattie red, Kirroughtree red and Glen Trool blue.

    AS a fellow gadget freak, I had already spotted your new gadgets on your blog. Sadly, I cannot run anywhere. When we go into the forest we bike, the dogs run! I would need a "caninerunner" (tm) GPS!

