
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Storm Gathering, Lewis 2007

Traditional clinker built wooden fishing boats hauled up on the beach for the winter. Kyle of Scarp, Harris.

Just arrived on the blustery isles of Harris and Lewis. Stornoway Canoe Club are hosting the second UK Storm Gathering. I am just heading for the first evening events and looking forward to some fine sea kayaking over the next few days.


  1. Blustery?...pah, that was professional sunbathing weather we had today. Douglas, I have acquired one of your roof straps from the car park at Harris - rescued from a lonely fate on the tarmac. I'll drop it into the said Gathering tomorrow.

  2. I'm stuck in Newtonmore putting together The Canoe Boys radio documentaries this weekend so can't be with you all. Keep us updated with what's going on please!
    See you in Perth?

  3. Will do, Michael :o)

    Si got the strap thank you, only a force 5 today. Did you christen your boat?

    Hello Simon, missing you but looking forward to Canoe Boys, se you at Perth.
