
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Dawn of the Storm Gathering

On the dawn of the storm gathering we awoke on the east coast of Skye. The distant mountains of Scotland were dark silhouettes against the pre-dawn sky.

"Red sky in the morning: shepherd's warning."

The Stornoway Storm Gathering lived up to this forecast with force five winds and big swell and surf conditions.


  1. Here in the States, I have heard the saying as:
    "Red Skies At Night, Sailors Delight,
    Red Skies In Morning Sailors Take Warning

  2. that's what we say here, in Newfoundland, also. But I grew up with 'Shepherd' - nice to see it again.

  3. Nah! Red sky in the morning- shepherd's hoose is on fire.

    Looks like a great trip Douglas- sorry I missed it. I did manage a very quick run at Kirroughtree (1.5 hours in the damp)- with bob. Wiped out 3 times- one of which was spectacular. Cheers Tony

  4. Hello Peter, Alison and Tony, the old saying held true, it blew and blew! I wonder if it is the same in the southern hemisphere or whether it is the other way about? Afterall, their water twists the otherway round the plug hole! :o)
