
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Misty skies and crystal clear waters.

Leaving Shian Bay on the west coast of Jura, Tony and I came across our old friend Sammy the seal.

We passed islands of quartzite cobbles.

Under misty skies the waters of the North Atlantic were crystal clear and we watched the seals cavorting beneath our keels.


  1. Utterly enchanting! What splendid paddling:-)

  2. Absolutely! Let's see, now, where can I fit the Jura on my list... I'll need a good chunk of time to do the area properly methinks!

  3. Thank you Wendy and Michael. Even Canadians who are blessed with incredible scenery of their own might find a Scottish trip worthwhile. My daughter's friend is over from BC at the moment. He has greatly enjoyed SW Scotland (learned to use a skeg instead of a rudder!) and we hope to get him to the Hebrides this weekend.
