
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Cruggleton Castle

Cruggleton Castle was built by Earl Malcolm of Galloway sometime about 1050 AD. It was built on the edge of a 200 foot precipice into the sea in Wigtown Bay, which is an indentation of the Solway Firth. It covered 1.5 acres and its central courtyard was surrounded by a stone wall with 8 towers. It was protected from the land by a 50 foot wide moat that was crossed by lowering a drawbridge which had a portcullis behind.

After Malcolm's death in 1064 it was taken over by King Magnus of Norway in 1098. It then changed hands many times during its history and was involved with the wars with the Vikings and the English. It was last occupied in 1583 and sadly, at the end of the 18th century most of its stones were plundered for building farms and dykes.

Nowadays all that is left is the vault of the kitchen and even the cliffs it stands on are crumbling away. Beneath the castle there are several interesting caves.

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