
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Brodick Castle

Seakayaking past Brodick Castle.

On our recent seakayaking trip to Arran in the Firth of Clyde we paddled across Brodick Bay. This gave us a wonderful view of the Caledonian pine forest that hugs its northern shore and the castle grounds. Brodick Castle is built on a lofty position and its red sandstone walls rise in magnificently splendour amidst the red barked pines. It has a similar island and mountain situation to Kinloch Castle on Rum, which is also built from red sandstone. It was reputedly built from the same quarry on Arran as Brodick Castle however, its stones came from Dumfriesshire.

On a long summer’s day, the castle would have been an essential stop. It was built on a site that has been fortified since at least the fifth century. The original stone keep was built about 1266 but it has been extended and modified many times since then as it played an important part in the Wars of Independence first from the Vikings then from the English. It was extensively rebuilt in the nineteenth century as a shooting lodge.

It was in the Hamilton family’s hands for nearly five hundred years but following the marriage of the last male Hamilton’s daughter; it passed to the Montrose family in 1906. Their descendants bequeathed, it in lieu of death duties, to the National Trust for Scotland in 1958 and now any one can enjoy its buildings and gardens. Look out for the summer house which has an interior is covered with pine cones.


  1. I appreciate the sharing. I've always found Castles fascinating... although we've not any to speak of in the States. We used to roam the Rhine as children though... I love the way they designed their towers... the architectural style of days past.

    The Broderick Castle's Bavarian Summer house was hexagon shaped. I found that interesting. I wonder why they built it in that shape..

    Thank you for sharing!

  2. Hi Katie, I will be featuring a lot more castles. You can bring them up using the "castles" label at the bottom right. In the meantime here is Kinloch Castle on Rum.

  3. this photo makes me so hungry to be on the water again.......

  4. Hi Douglas, The pictures of Rum bring back some fine memories of last summer.
    I wondered about the claim that the stone for the castle came from Arran or Annan. According to the late Magnus Magnusson (Ive started so I'll finish) it came from Arran, or so he state in his book on Rum. Do you think the mastermind misstook the double nn for a double rr during hid research?
    Looking forward to getting back on the water with you again soon.... today would have been nice?
    Cheers Tony

  5. Hayden, thanks for calling by!

    Tony, beginning to feel better how about this weekend?

