
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sea kayaking heaven: a gneiss time on Lewis.

Here are more memories of a fantastic summer. I have posted a full photo gallery of our summer trip to NW Lewis over on the Scottish Sea Kayaking Photo Gallery. This is an extreme form of self indulgence but in the middle of a very poor spell of weather, when I am not feeling particularly well, it is rather nice reliving such adventures.


  1. Get well soon, Douglas! (-:

  2. I trust you shale not stay ill for long, but be granite good health soon! (Sorry, but you started it...)

  3. Tremendous! I was going to say that this is 'sea kaykers eye candy', but that would be slightly insulting. It'll take a few more visits to take all that in. Well worth the wait, though.

  4. Thanks for good wishes folks, and thank you for the link in SKoogle grazie.

  5. You write 'em, I'll link 'em :)

  6. I ended up touring my old stomping ground of the Isle of Lewis as I jumped from Cailean's blogg to yours when I got in from work here in Oregon USA. I'm his Mum and believe it or not introduced him to the joys of sea kayaking when he was 12 year old! Your photos were the tonic I needed after a long hard week - many fond memories of paddling in all these magic places ....I'm way too far away from the sea living in the High Desert area of Central Oregon! Thank you. Christine

  7. Hello Christine, it is very good to hear from you. I am glad you liked the Lewis photos and I very much appreciate your comments. I was also lucky in that my father introduced me to the sea (sailing) on family holidays in Inverasdale and Mellon Udrigle in the late 1950's.
    Douglas :o)
