
Monday, June 30, 2014

Lingering on the sands below the glacial symmetry of the Sannox mountains.

 Beyond Fallen Rocks on Arran's NE coast the land becomes more heavily forested and gave the clear water a beautiful green tinge.

 The forest hid the view into the interior mountains until we came to a gap where the North Sannox Burn enters the sea and...

 ...suddenly the stunning view of the Glen Sannox mountains was revealed.

As we approached the next bay, which is the outfall of the Sannox Burn, we caught sight of Holy Island on which we had camped 4 nights previously. This was the first indication that our little trip was coming to an end.

 A white post announced our arrival at Sannox Bay which we entered with several...

 ...seals in tow.

The wide sweep of the sandy bay compliments the glacial symmetry of this beautiful glen and the rocky ridges of its granite mountains.

We enjoyed the perfect location for a leisurely luncheon. We lingered in the sunshine not wanting the trip to end too soon.