
Sunday, June 21, 2009

The North West Coast of Coll

Overnight, fresh winds and torrential rain had battered our campsite on Coll's NW coast. The wind had begun to drop before we launched but as it did so, hordes of midges attacked what little flesh we had exposed to the elements.

The NW coast of Coll is composed of a myriad of skerries, sandy bays and bold headlands. We made our way in through the skerries to explore Cliad Bay...

...before making our way back out to the swell breaking on Rubha Ard.

TT101, FV Tarka, was tending her lobster pots. Built in 1996 her home port is Coll and she is 11.9m long.

The little bay at Clabhach is backed by crofts.

The pink-grey rocks of Rubha Hogh are typical of this part of Coll and are formed from Lewisian gneiss.

The surf in the NE of Hogh Bay was about 4.5' and we did not fancy risking a landing.

Fortunately at the SE end, there was hardly any swell and we landed on the magnificent Hogh sands to take a first luncheon.
