Imagine you are at the edge of the sea on a day when it is difficult to say where the land ends and the sea begins and where the sea ends and the sky begins. Sea kayaking lets you explore these and your own boundaries and broadens your horizons. Sea kayaking is the new mountaineering.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Sea kayaking pubs: the Old Forge, Inverie
Sitting in the pub after our abortive Mull of Galloway trip, I reflected on more positive sea kayaking encounters with premises of a licensed nature. First to mind, came the Old Forge Inn at Inverie, Knoydart. Although it is on the Scottish mainland, there is no road in, so ferry or kayak trips are essential if you wish to sup their fine ales.
They do not seem to mind dripping dry suits.
These fine gentlemen, with whom we enjoyed passing a good part of a short winter afternoon in pleasant conversation, were dripping blood on the floor. They had just come off the hill where they had been gralloching deer. No one bothered about their drips either.
After some time, we made our way back down Loch Nevis to Mallaig where we arrived after nightfall.